Scientific cooperation agreement with South Africa

The 'Agreement for scientific and technological cooperation between the European Community and the Republic of South Africa' (1), which entered into force on 11 November 1997, provides for scientific and technological cooperation between the two parties within the scope of the Fourth Framework programme for research and technological development (1994-1998), which includes the Telematics for Libraries programme.

On 3 June 1998 the European Union and South Africa agreed to continue their scientific co-operation under the European Union's future Fifth Framework programme for research and technological development (1998-2002). This includes the Information Society Technologies (IST) programme which makes reference to libraries, archives and museums. Furthermore, the Joint Committee that is in charge of the current co-operation agreement will set up an information strategy to inform researchers on opportunities for co-operation. This could include contact points in all relevant programmes, publication of a database of South African researchers interested in EU co-operation and the use of electronic newsletters and the Internet. For further information please contact: European Commission, DG XII, Mrs Anastasia Andrikopoulou, Scientific Officer, fax: +32 2 296 9824, email:


1. The EU-South Africa scientific cooperation agreement was published in the Official Journal nr. L 313 of 15 November 1997.

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Created: 31 August 1998
Updated: 23 September 1999