Cultural Co-operation - Contribution to the consideration on the subject of a single European Union Programme for Culture

EBLIDA functions as the umbrella association for library, information, documentation and archive associations and all kinds of libraries throughout Europe. The organisation was founded in 1992 and has established itself as a vital link between the European institutions and library and information professionals. At the moment EBLIDA represents over 95.000 libraries throughout Europe. On behalf of the European library community EBLIDA would like to make the following contribution:

EBLIDA welcomes this initiative to set up an integrated framework for cultural programmes. The present programmes are rather limited in their approach and do not achieve the impact they should and could have. Action on European level must not only safeguard the great diversity in European cultures but must also respect the principle of subsidiary, probably even more than in other areas. At the same time it is of utmost importance for the future of the European Community to strengthen the knowledge of common European cultural patterns and to find ways for action with regards to cultural issues of pan-European importance and consequence.

1. Broad concept of culture

Different national cultural backgrounds lead to a different understanding of basic terms like "culture" or "heritage". Therefore we advocate a definition of "culture" that is as broad as possible to embrace all cultural expressions in Europe (be it artistically, institutional or functional) and which have their roots in the daily life of people. Culture, as we see it, are sets of common values that unite different groups of people. The awareness of the different ways of living in different European countries will enhance a better mutual understanding.

2. Common platform of basic and shared European values

It seems necessary that the European Community adopts an elaborated platform of common values in the cultural field, before it defines a limited number of areas for action. To set up such a platform, more emphasis has to be put on cultural research as a basis for further development of cooperation programmes. Even before the start of a common programme or at least as one of its first actions, research in cultural science, museology and related fields as well as studies on present practice in the Member States have to be undertaken to enable the development of a platform that is precise, generally understood and accepted.

The following list contains some examples of values for the platform:
Each citizen and group within the European Community shall have

3. General recommendations for actions

Next to common European values there are common European problems which have to be identified and tackled in European programmes. Below are some examples of areas for action:

3.1. Actions to improve the cooperation within the book sector

3.2. Actions for vocational training and exchange of experience

3.3. Actions to improve cultural access to books

3.4. Actions for the social accessibility of books and cultural heritage

3.5. Actions for the physical accessibility of books and other media

3.6. Actions for libraries as supporters of education

3.7. Actions for the library as cultural institution

4. Types of action

Whatever action is taken, it is crucial for the library sector that the co-operation between the Libraries Programme in DG XIII for predominantly technical development and the cultural programmes in DG X relevant for the promoting of books and reading is very strongly encouraged.


The Hague, 27 November 1997

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