Minutes Executive Committee Meeting, 8 May 2003, Uppsala, Sweden


Minutes Executive Committee Meeting,
8 May 2003, Uppsala, Sweden


These minutes have been approved by the EBLIDA President.

Participants: Klaus-Peter Böttger, Mogens Damm, Berndt Fredriksson, María Pía González Pereira, Britt-Marie Häggström, Pedro Hípola, Marian Koren, Antonio José da Pina Falcâo, Jan-Ewout van der Putten and Winnie Vitzansky.


1.    Opening and announcements

Britt-Marie Häggström opened the meeting and welcomed the members of the Executive Committee to Uppsala. A guided visit of the Uppsala Public Library and meeting with the staff was announced before the meeting started.


2.    Apologies for absence

The following members of the Executive Committee apologised for their absence: Arja-Riitta Haarala, Frode Bakken, Anna Maria Mandillo and Claudine Belayche.


3.    Approval of agenda

The agenda was approved with the following amendments:

Item no 11

This item was changed, as no important developments took place on PSI. Instead, there is a need to talk about culture-related new developments at European level.

Item no

The following issues were added: the Director’s concern with moving expenses and Dutch taxes; Britt-Marie Häggström absence on Saturday; Mogens Damm farewell.


4.    Approval Minutes Executive Committee Meeting, Angers, 14 February 2003

Item no 10 - EBLIDA Strategy for the future 2001 - 2005: Review 2003 - 2005

Mogens Damm proposed that the Executive Committee meeting in autumn discuss this subject in depth.

The Minutes were approved by the Executive Committee.


5.    EBLIDA Strategy for the future 2001 – 2005, Draft Review 2003-2005

Jan-Ewout van der Putten and Winnie Vitzansky agreed that the Draft Review prepared by the Director, María Pía González Pereira, would be briefly introduced to the Council and discussed later in depth by the Executive Committee meeting in autumn. The final draft will be submitted to the Council in 2004.

Berndt Fredriksson insisted on the need of recruiting more archive associations. He wrote a letter to professional associations of archivists so as to open dialogue with them. He also proposed to change the wording under
Item 4.1.1. INCREASING THE NUMBERS OF MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES Membership recruitment Archive associations for the first issue already expressed under Item 2. 3 Policy Issues.  

Under Item 4.2 CO-OPERATION WITH OTHER ORGANISATIONS, the Executive agreed that EBLIDA lobby together with IFLA on WTO issues.


6.    EBLIDA Executive Committee Elections 2003–2005

Mogens Damm reminded we are missing the British members “on board” the Executive.

Britt-Marie Häggström commented that she contacted some British members in this regard but in the end no one was proposed.


7.    EBLIDA Budget 2002 and Annual report

The Executive agreed that Jan-Ewout van der Putten would briefly submit the issue of the Budget 2002 to the Council and will explain the particular circumstances affecting the Secretariat. The Director is responsible for the presentation of the Annual Activity Report 2002.


8.    EBLIDA Council Meetings  

Invitation Estoril, Portugal, 2004

Antonio José da Pina
Falcâo announced to the Executive the official invitation made by BAD to celebrate the next EBLIDA Annual Council meeting in Estoril (Portugal), on 14 and 15 May 2004, coinciding with the National Conference of the Portuguese Association of Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists.

Klaus-Peter Böttger asked why Porto was changed for Estoril.

Antonio Pina explained that the idea is to make both events coincide and profit the occasion to bring EBLIDA closer and better known to the Portuguese professionals.

After some discussion of possible promotion ideas, Mogens Damm collected the feeling of the Executive to support Estoril and to seek as much co-operation and integration between both parallel meetings as possible. In the autumn the new Executive Committee could tackle more specific details.

Invitation Cork, Ireland, 2005

No further action has taken place since last Executive Committee meeting.

9.    EBLIDA Policy on candidate countries’ applications for membership

María Pía González Pereira exposed the recent enquiries for membership received from MALIA (Malta) and the Luxembourgish Librarian Association, and reminded the situation that EBLIDA is lacking any Greek member. She also insisted on the fact that many applicant countries’ associations are willing to join EBLIDA but allege they do not receive enough financial support from their national authorities to cover the membership fees.

Mogens Damm reminded that it is not possible to have members that do not pay and suggested to negotiate a special rate for the first year to help new members join.

-Ewout van der Putten proposed to allow a first year free of charge and then move to a regular situation.

Britt-Marie Häggström proposed that the Director write a letter encouraging possible new members to join and explaining the characteristics of Full and Associate Membership, so the Executive can take a decision when the reactions are received.

Klaus-Peter Böttger said we have to make an active policy and foster them to contact their own national authorities to receive money from them.

After further discussion the Executive agreed to send an invitation letter to potential members explaining EBLIDA’s labour and offering them support in practical issues.

10.    EBLIDA savings policy

After discussion, the Executive Committee agreed that EBLIDA savings policy is that of keeping our money in our bank accounts as a reserve.

Lobby activities  

11.    European developments on Culture Policy

María Pía González Pereira explained the new issues coming up from the European Union in the field of Culture: review and two-year extension of the programme Culture 2000 and public consultation launched by the European Commission; Cultural Heritage projects; Cultural Industries.

The Director also proposed to create a new EBLIDA Working Group on Culture in order to better tackle these broad subjects in the future.

Mogens Damm and Britt-Marie Häggström agreed that the Working Groups qualify and spread the work of EBLIDA and therefore supported the creation of a Culture Working Group.

Jan-Ewout van der Putten and Klaus-Peter Böttger enquired about the focus for a Working Group on cultural issues.

María Pía González Pereira supported the proposal by stressing the importance to act at an early stage on all the new culture-related issues launched from the EU Institutions and the new transnational projects that will be funded by the European Commission, dealing with cultural heritage and involving as well the new accession countries.
She also commented the possibility that the European Convention and a future review of the Treaty could go further in the cultural policy scope.

After discussion, the Executive Committee asked the Director to present a position paper on this issue at the Executive Committee in the autumn.

Item 12.    Lifelong Learning: Progress report

Britt-Marie Häggström explained that, after six years of persistent work, the CONFINTEA meeting, that will take place in September in Thailand, will have a special place in the Agenda for a Workshop on the role of Libraries and Archives in Lifelong Learning. The President of EBLIDA is invited to speak at this event.


13.    GATS and Libraries

Mogens Damm said that this issue is a priority for EBLIDA to follow.

Britt-Marie Häggström explained briefly the current situation of this issue in Sweden and suggested that country reports on this subject could be sent to the EBLIDA Secretariat as background information to be put on the website.

Winnie Vitzansky suggested creating awareness in the public and lobbying the national negotiators.

It was agreed by the Executive to listen to Frode Bakken and Kjell Nilsson presentation on GATS at the EBLIDA Council and take this into account for a future decision on action.

14.    DRMS, EBLIDA Policy statement and progress report

María Pía González Pereira explained the current status of the issue and the outcome of the workshop on DRMS held by the European Commission in March 2003.

The Executive Committee agreed that the Director monitors the developments of this issue and that EBLIDA participate in the discussions from an early stage.

15.    PULMAN & PULMAN XT: progress report and follow-on proposals

The Director commented the latest facts concerning the PULMAN project. The third cost claim (November 2002), rejected at a first stage, is expected to be approved shortly by the European Commission. The fourth cost claim is under preparation.

PULMAN XT is still running until 15 August 2003. The main role of EBLIDA within this project is to lead the twinning process between Library Associations throughout Europe and to maintain this information on the EBLIDA website.

María Pía González Pereira introduced to the Executive Committee a new proposal to participate in a European Project (CALIMERA), which central focus will be cultural heritage in local institutions (libraries, archives and museums).

After discussion, the Executive Committee agreed to assess this matter in-depth at the Executive Committee meeting in autumn.


16.    Country Reports: recent developments


Winnie Vitzansky introduced the Danish report. The new Library Act is undergoing a review, which is expected to be finished in autumn.

The Copyright Directive was implemented in Denmark with the condition of having a review soon to assess the effectiveness between the stakeholders. The Danish Library Association has made an important preparatory work to participate on this debate. They are also planning to participate in the World Summit on the Information Society to get the library views through.


Klaus-Peter Böttger explained the success achieved by Barbara Lison through the PULMAN Workshop
at the end of February.

The implementation of the Copyright Directive has affected the fluent relationships between publishers and libraries in Germany.

He also commented on the next IFLA Conference taking place in Berlin in August. The organisation work done by Barbara Schleihagen is being extraordinary and the number of participants registered so far is higher that last year.


Antonio José da Pina
Falcâo explained that the National Library signed an agreement with the collecting societies in Portugal to seek dialogue and consensus.


Hípola commented the strange situation about the implementation of the Copyright Directive in Spain. Apparently there is a temporary stop in the conversations probably also due to the local elections that will take place in May. More than 80 organisations have been discussing the issue with the Government and none of the parties seem to be happy with the results.
FESABID have contacted every Spanish representative of the University libraries and are preparing a document on the second draft of the implementation text. They have also addressed the Federation of Local Governments and they seem to agree with FESABID’s proposals to amend the
second draft.

Marco Marandola has been hired by FESABID to deal with the Copyright implementation in Spain and has prepared some documents in order to address the Ministry. Some of the amendments proposed were clearly approved by the Government; for instance, they have agreed to review the definition of “private copy”.

The tourist sector seems to be stopping the process as well (right holders of audiovisual materials for hotels).

There seems to be a crisis in the Spanish associations’ system, at regional and national level. An example of this is the dissolution of ABADMEX, the Extremadura region Library Association. One factor contributing to this situation may be the increasing improvement of the library sector in the last 20 years. In view of this improvement, some professionals have felt less need for representation within an association and associations seem to be losing number of members.


Berndt Fredriksson said that recently a debate has emerged on the drawbacks of transparency. Critics state that the consequences of transparency have created a fear to document the formation of decisions. New methods of communicating e.g. email have as an effect that official documents are not taken care of by archives to the same extent as it used to be. Considerations on the integrity of citizens also lead to the effect that sensitive but vital information is disposed of and not kept for research. These statements reflect assumptions and a fear. Still there is a need for research to find out whether they are true or not.

Britt-Marie Häggström commented the moving of Thomas Lidman from the libraries to the archives’ field. They are awaiting a replacement. She also explained that there are some changes expected in the Library Law, but it is uncertain when they will take place.

The Netherlands

-Ewout van der Putten commented the worries of the local libraries because of the national problems to form a Government. Local libraries are depending on local money, which is at the same time depending on national funds.

At the moment, Information Society and Education are major themes in The Netherlands, so there could be more funds devoted to these issues; but this is as well uncertain due to the national situation mentioned before.

17.  Any other business

Britt-Marie Häggström absence on Saturday

The President of EBLIDA
apologised for not being able to be present at the continuation of the Council meeting on Saturday, 10 May, due to an unavoidable national event commitment.
She thanked also Berndt Fredriksson for hosting the Ingmar Bergman walk around Uppsala on Saturday afternoon.

Director’s Dutch tax issue

Under this item, and at the request of support by María Pía González Pereira, the Executive Committee decided to provide the Director of EBLIDA with
1.500 Euro, in order to contribute to the very high expenses incurred by her because of her moving to The Netherlands, and particularly because of the huge taxes claimed by the Dutch authorities for the importation of her car.  

The Director was not present at this Executive Committee deliberation.

Mogens Damm farewell

The Vice President of EBLIDA, Mogens Damm, thanked the Executive Committee in his last meeting with them, and said he extremely appreciated these ten years with EBLIDA. Britt-Marie Häggström answered on behalf of the Executive that EBLIDA was grateful for his highly valuable contributions throughout the years.


18.    Closure

Britt-Marie Häggström closed the meeting.

The next Executive Committee meeting, with the new members elected by the Council, will take place on Saturday, 10 May, at the University of Uppsala.

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                                 Created: 19 September 2003

Last updated: 19 November 2003